Eitt af mikilvægu auðlindunum sem ætti að nýta á áhrifaríkan hátt til að hagræða flutningsferlum þínum erFlutningakassi úr plasti. Öll fyrirtæki sem leitast við að bæta geymslu- og flutningskerfi sín, örugglega plastflutningakassar LKZN eru tilvalin fyrir þig.
Seigla og seigja
Top serving materials comprising impact proof, moisture and chemical resisting materials for the boxes account for the well being of the contents stored or being safeguarding during the span of storage and transit. This kind of durability is useful in all duration industry particularly in food service, pharmaceutical, manufacture where product readers sold out prefers that relevant.
Kerfisbundnar geymsluráðstafanir sem hafa í för með sér lágan kostnað.
Systems that have such dimensions which can be placed over another help save storage space in both a warehouse and even in movement from one area to another. Space utilization features means that the companies may not incur unnecessary transportation costs due to the lack of space and use of overstocks.
Sérsniðnar lausnir fyrir allar atvinnugreinar
The plastic containers are presented in many forms though structure tolerance cubical boxes are not restricted to any form of a breeding. From manufacturing to net volumes such as the retail, it will take in what you want. LKZN has different alternatives so that you can be able to choose what fits your logistics.
Græn verkefni
Today’s industries are also spreading the tentacles of un-sustainable construction processes recovery. Many of LKZN’s plastic logistics boxes are used on the facilities repeatedly and at the end are recycled, thus allowing the businesses to control and evaluate their environment impact. With regard to any industry for that matter, it would be prudent to go for the greener options right away as they enhance healthy brand image and capture more customers from green market niches.
Þægileg geymsla, pökkun og flutningur yfir langar vegalengdir
The plastic logistic boxes have handles that make these plug and play interactions easier and even though the weight is lesser it still helps in the logistics of the functioning such goods. Packing of goods comes easy irrespective of whether it is by lorries, trains, and even ships without leaving any gaps in your logistical flow.
Margir viðskiptaeiningar hafa tekið LKZN plastflutningakössunum til að bæta frammistöðu aðfangakeðjunnar. Þegar kemur að geymslu, sendingu eða jafnvel sýningartilgangi hvers hlutar, hvaða kassa sem þú þarft þá ls hér í LKZN.