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Keranjang Omset Plastik

Rumah >  Produk >  Keranjang Omset Plastik

LK420 plastic turnover basketLK420 plastic turnover basketLK420 plastic turnover basketLK420 plastic turnover basketLK420 plastic turnover basket
LK420 plastic turnover basket
LK420 plastic turnover basket
LK420 plastic turnover basket
LK420 plastic turnover basket
LK420 plastic turnover basket

Keranjang omset plastik LK420

Nama Produk:420 keranjang omset plastik

Berat produk:0.75Kg

Bahan produk:HDPE

Diameter dalam:420L*280W*230H mm

Diameter luar:450L*310W*240H mm

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Fitur utama:

Bahan Unggul: Crafted from high-grade HDPE, our plastic keranjang omset tahan terhadap korosi, kelembaban, dan bahan kimia, memastikan kinerja yang tahan lama bahkan di lingkungan terberat sekalipun.

Opsi yang Dapat Disesuaikan: Elevate your brand with our customization services. Choose from a wide range of colors to match your corporate identity, and have your logo elegantly printed on each box for instant brand recognition.

Konstruksi Tahan Lama: Reinforced design ensures exceptional strength and stability, allowing for safe stacking and transportation of goods up to specified weight capacities.

Perawatan Mudah: Cleaning is a breeze with these plastic keranjang omset. Cukup bersihkan dengan kain lembab atau selang untuk perawatan yang cepat dan mudah.

Ramah lingkungan: Made from recyclable materials, our HDPE boxes contribute to a greener future by reducing waste and promoting sustainability.

Layanan Kustomisasi:

Pencetakan Logo: Enhance your brand presence by having your company logo professionally printed onto the boxes. Available in various sizes and positions to suit your needs.

Pemilihan warna: Stand out from the crowd with a choice of vibrant or subtle colors. We offer a wide palette to match your brand colors or create a unique aesthetic.

Ukuran & Konfigurasi: Depending on your specific requirements, we can also customize the dimensions and configurations of the boxes to optimize storage space and improve operational efficiency.

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